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Personal Guidance

Welcome to our space of healing and self-discovery. If you're new to this journey, you may be wondering about the nature of the services we offer.
Let's delve into the heart of our practice, Akashic Records readings and Reiki.
Whether you're seeking healing, self-understanding, guidance, or empowerment, our offerings are designed to support you on your journey. No matter where you are on your path, you are welcome here. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and healing together.

Akashic Records Readings

Akashic Records

What are the Akashic Records?

Akashic comes from akasha, which is Sanskrit for ether. The Akashic Records are an energetic or etheric information field, often described as a cosmic library, holding the story of each Soul across its lifetimes. Reading these records can provide profound insights into your Soul’s purpose, past experiences, and current challenges. These readings can illuminate your life in unexpected ways, opening doors to deep soul healing.

Quantum explanation of the Akashic Records

One aspect of Quantum physics is the existence of etheric dimensions, where time and space are not as we know them conventionally. Philosopher and systems theorist Ervin Laszlo makes the case that science is finally in a position to produce a theory of everything (ToE). Drawing on anomalies and advances in cosmology, quantum physics, biology, and consciousness studies, he shows how the discovery in physics of the zero point energy field (ZPE), is also the discovery of a universal information field. This correlates to what mystics and sages have long maintained about an interconnecting cosmic field that exists at the roots of reality that conserves and conveys information, a field now more commonly referred to as the Akashic Records.

To put all of that very simply, the Akashic Records are like an etheric internet with information about everything that ever has been, is and will be, given current parameters. This includes the blocks and restrictions your Soul carries from this and past lives, plus how you personally manifest best and other information. Armed with that knowledge, you have an opportunity to heal.

How to access the Records?

Sheli Bowman uses very strict protocols to access the Records. Because the records exist on an etheric dimension, Soul enmeshment can occur if one accesses them purely intuitively. She went through extensive training to obtain advanced certifications in Soul Realignment, the Manifesting Blueprint, Future, Business and Situational Readings. 

Soul Realignment Reading

Soul Realignment is a type of Akashic Records reading that focuses specifically on understanding your soul's divine blueprint. By identifying and clearing karmic patterns or blockages, Soul Realignment can help you align more fully with your authentic self and live a life that resonates with your soul's true purpose.

The reading will look at your current and past lives to see where you are out of alignment, plus blocks and restrictions that are holding you back. You are then given practical steps to clear these blocks with actions and a clearing statement. 

If you are interested in finding out who you are at Soul level, including how you best receive divine source energy, then this powerful reading is for you.

USD 600

Manifesting Blueprint Reading

Manifesting Blueprint is another specialized Akashic Records reading. It offers insights into your soul's unique manifesting blueprint, or the innate ways you are designed to manifest your desires in your life. Understanding this blueprint can empower you to create the life you want with greater ease and joy.

We are all very competent manifestors, but everyone manifests differently. This reading looks at several aspects of how of how you specifically manifest best, versus how you are actually showing up in life.

This reading will reveal areas of your life where you can consciously manifest new and more positive outcomes. Whenever you wish to get started on something new, you will have a greater awareness of how to do this in a way which is aligned with your soul.

Most people are not aligned and this hinders their ability to manifest, no matter how hard they try, especially if they are using methods that work for others, but are not aligned with how they themselves manifest

This reading is only available to clients that have done their Soul Realignments and we request that you do at least one follow up session to check-in and stay on track.

USD 500

Situational Reading

Only available to clients who have done their Soul Realignment and their Manifesting Blueprint readings.

These are focused, specific readings that can provide guidance and clarity on particular situations or challenges you're currently facing. These readings can offer a new perspective and actionable steps to navigate your particular situations or a combination of them, that are causing issues, holding you back, feel frustrating or like something is definitely not quite right.

Trust your instincts, if there is something not quite right, this reading will delve into that and give you practical guidance to on how to address the issues at hand. 

Please submit what is out of balance and what are you committed to creating as your new reality within the next three to six months.

USD 400

All readings are prepared in advance and given by Sheli via Zoom and you will receive the recording(s). 

Suggested Akashic Records Package:

Soul Realignment Reading

Manifesting Blueprint Reading x 2

This is the recommended package for anyone new to these types of readings. Why? Because people rarely follow through and make the changes that bring lifelong transformation if there are no check-ins or ongoing connection with the person that is facilitating for them.

You can do the Soul Realignment and initial Manifesting Blueprint readings either together (a lot to take in, but good for busy people), or on separate days. Please wait 21 - 30 days for the follow-up Manifesting Blueprint reading, so you have time to integrate and course correct, based on the previous readings.

To encourage you to get the full benefits offered by this delivery, you save USD 400 on buying the readings separately.

Buy Now — USD 1,200

Active Manifestation Package:

Manifesting Blueprint Readings x 6

Situational Reading x 2

This package is only available to clients that have done their Soul Realignment reading. We suggest that you do the six Manifesting Blueprint readings approximately every 30 days to tune into how you best manifest and stay on track.

The Situational readings are an integral part of this mix, as there might be seemingly unrelated issues occurring in our lives that are holding us back, but we are not clear on why they are happening. The readings can be done in any order and a Situational and a Manifesting Blueprint reading can be done together in one sitting. 

To encourage you to get the full benefits offered by this delivery, you save USD 800 on buying the readings separately.

Buy Now — USD 3,000

Reiki Treatment Package:
Reiki Sessions x 6

Sheli is an experienced Reiki Master and does other healing modalities, including Quantum Touch and Access Consciousness. If appropriate the Reiki sessions will be enhanced with other modalities and sound.

As with the readings, she does not recommend doing a one-off Reiki treatment, which can be likened to doing mediation or therapy once. It might do wonders for the right person at the right time, but most will receive the maximum benefit from a series of treatments.

Her one-off Reiki treatments are USD 300 per session. This package offers six at a USD 600 discount, to encourage you to get the most out of this amazing gift to humanity as a healing journey. 

The sessions can be done in person in Sheli's rooftop garden in Hong Kong, or as a distance healing.

Buy Now — USD 1,200

All Akashic Records readings are prepared in advance and given by Sheli via Zoom. You will receive the recording(s). 

Meet Katie

PhD, Hong Kong

"Although I am familiar with the Akashic records already, I am always interested in new ways to approach them. Sheli's session gave me unique insight into characteristics of mine that are important to share with the world as well as some of the challenges that have been holding me back from doing so. I recommend a session with her if you are ready to live more fully, confidently, and authentically."

Life & Business Coaching? Tell Me More!

Soul Alignment

Realign to who you really are at Soul level.

You’re already a successful spiritual business entrepreneur, and you’re ready to take things to the next level. I am the coach that assists you to move more deeply into alignment with your Soul purpose and gifts, to activate those, so you can manifest whatever true success looks like for you. A multi six or seven-figure business? The life of freedom you've always dreamed about? Waking up each morning with deep feeling of equanimity and inner peace? Feeling so alive you cannot wait to have more impact on the planet.

Through a strict protocol, we access the Akashic Records to look at blocks and restrictions from this and past lives. You can think of it as Quantum Googling. We can see where the misalignment is between how you show up in life now, and when you were created as a Soul. With this knowledge we can optimise your potential, and elevate your existing success.

When you are aligned, so is your business and this is when you can really move the needle. Nothing is too far of a stretch, when you are aligned with who you are at Soul level! Utilising the opportunities that information gives you to inform your business and personal strategies, gives you an incredible advantage in your success and trajectory toward future achievements.

See Our Suggested Packages

Meet Chhaya

PhD, Marine Biologist, Munich

"Sheli helped in understanding my habit patterns in this life and revealed their root cause. She also suggested many good things and helped me in clearing my blockages. Now I have a much clearer understanding of my soul journey and the things that I need to work on to move forward. Thank you Sheli for maintaining my trust and making me feel safe during the reading. The reading was very powerful and matched really well with many aspects of my life."

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High-Ticket Mastery for Conscious Coaches

You are remarkable and there are people who will benefit from your unique knowledge. The easiest way for you to offer that, is via an online course or coaching program. However, that can feel overwhelming. Would you like to join a community of like-minded people who are also on this path, were you can also learn about how to embark and succeed on this journey?
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Quantum Course Creation

Are you a wisdom-led, conscious coach, Lightworker or wellness expert who would like to create a high-ticket course in 3 months GUARANTEED, so you can increase your revenue, freedom and impact? Offering your wisdom in a course brings so many benefits, but creating and launching one can feel daunting! Sheli will guide you to master conscious course creation without the frustration of endless trial and error or tech overwhelm, using aligned autogenerated marketing content. We offer a proven step-by-step methodology, plus a system that provides ALL the customized content for launching and marketing your course.
This is a done-with-you, very high-touch, small group program. 

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6 month transformational journey

Quantum Course Complete

The ultimate conscious course fast-track, this immersive experience combines our proven Quantum Course Creation methodology to masterfully design and build your transformative course, along with our revolutionary new 

Quantum Course Marketing process to attract ideal students through aligned, automated promotion of your course. Whether you're an individual looking to create your first course, or an established brand ready to scale your offerings, Quantum Course Complete will guide you from concept to success.
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